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Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
Posted by Tyler
Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
It's a question as old as time; if you were once a cheater, will you always be a cheater? Call us up with your thoughts and experiences around 10:45pm PST, at 1-800-LOVE-191!
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2 COMMENTS Add a comment
steve a.
June 05, 2012 11:35 PM
"once a cheater always a cheater" not true...I religiously cheated on just about every girlfriend I had since I first started dating. I eventually grew up matured, and was looking to settle down. I had a girlfriend for a couple of years in my early 30's that I regretfully cheated on. When she found out, I didnt deny it. I pleaded, begged for forgiveness, tried flowers....everything I can think of. Shr dumped me. It was then that I realized I didnt cheat on her, rather I cheated myself out of what could have been the greatest relationship in the history of love. Epic! Since then, I have never cheated on anyone else despite being cheated on since then as well. The right thing to do is man up and say good bye if you no longer want to be in your relationship. Have some integrity!
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Faisal M.
June 05, 2012 11:07 PM
This may be an unusual case, but I was a habitual cheater and I've been loyal to my girlfriend for the past year. The temptation is always there but one needs to really look at the reason they cheated and also be vigilant of not put myself in situations where I might cheat.
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