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Make Valentine's Memorable
Posted by Tyler
Make Valentine's Memorable
A friend of mine says Valentine’s Day is like porn: Occasionally it can be sexy; but it’s not real. This is someone who also doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so I’m used to his preference for being on the darker side of life. But does he have a point? With pressure on men to buy their partners some lingerie and a bunch of over-priced roses, does it really make a woman want to jump into bed with him? Or could a more valid display of affection lead you to fabulous sex on Valentine’s Day and beyond?

What Really Counts

No amount of lingerie shopping can replace an emotional connection between a couple. The best sex is when you feel close to each other. So, in the run up to Valentine’s Day, ask yourself, what’s getting in the way of you having your best sex? Are you sitting on a toxic bucket load of resentments? If the answer’s yes, then it’s time to detox before your sex life becomes a health hazard of its own.

What’s the real secret to a great Valentine’s Day?

Out of the couples I meet, 9 out of 10 will say their love life is almost non-existent when they are carrying grudges. The reason (and it’s more than likely you have experienced this at some time) is they just don’t want to have sex. Absolutely nothing kills sexual desire more than resentment. Sadly, that means it’s time to face facts: No matter how much you love each other, your partner will sometimes annoy and upset you.

Click here to read the rest of Simone's blog about making this Valentine's Day a memorable one!


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