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Kim Iversen
Posted by Rhune

This week's guest co-host!

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Rhune K.
January 28, 2013 12:11 AM
Different doofus.
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January 25, 2013 3:00 PM
There was a call where someone talked about all the great, almost unbelievable benefits you get for being an employee of the Hard Rock Cafe. I posted a response on the thread for that episode calling into question whether those statements about the Hard Rock Cafe are really true, and providing some links that cast doubt on the possibility.

This post disappeared immediately. I submitted an e-mail support request asking why and did not receive a response.

It's kind of hard for me to find the date for a post that no longer exists, but I know the e-mail request was on 8/14/12.
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January 25, 2013 11:53 AM
Censored where?
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January 22, 2013 8:53 PM
The spelling of the thread "magically" changed. I guess the web guy is actually around here somewhere.

Even now that I know he's actually reading this, quite frankly, with all the missing shows, plus one of my posts was censored for absolutely no reason, plus they do not answer any support requests about any of these items (or anything else), I still do not apologize for calling him a "doofus." Actually, I think that was putting it mildly!
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January 21, 2013 5:03 PM
I agree with Julie. Although Kim seems like a decent person, anyone off the street could give better advice than Kim. Also, not sure if she has any credentials to speak of.
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vanessa s.
January 20, 2013 11:10 PM
I agree with Julie. I love when they have female guest hosts (or Simone) but Kim was kind of rude and clueless. Her biggest go-to line for advice was "just do it" and "you've just got to get over it." That's not useful to people. Her being hot doesn't help what kind of advice she gives (and uh... she's on the radio so who cares?) Women who make careers out of talking about sex and relationships need to sound like they have a clue and not just good at it because they're hot chicks. Kim needs some help, I found myself baffled that she actually gave relationship advice for a living.
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Phil M
January 14, 2013 5:41 PM
I think you're right Jacob, though it doesn't surprise me. I'll not elaborate for fear of the ensuing argument, but Drew has talked about this concept a bit, especially when Alex Borstein was a guest.
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January 12, 2013 5:07 PM
It's funny that they said on the show about 800 times that her name is spelled IVERSEN, but your web doofus still managed to mess it up!

I can't help but get the feeling that some women just don't like the idea of a female co-host and seem to attack anyone who tries to fill the role - which is really surprising to me.
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Andrew H.
January 11, 2013 8:59 PM
one of my favorite co hosts its nice having a woman's though on subjects. bring her back on a regular basis if possible.
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Nathan P.
January 11, 2013 7:38 AM
what the hell are u talking about this girl is one of the best co-host to ever be on this show.Also she is very hot and she does care about the callers
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